“generative art exhibition & way-finding system”
-Generative art typeface
-Generative art patterns
Generative Art is the idea realized as the genetic code of artificial objects. It is an art that meets the eye and evokes emotion through an expression of skill and imagination. A generative project is a concept software that works, producing three-dimensional unique and non-repeatable events as possible and manifold terms of the generating idea identified by the designer as a visionary world. This Idea/human creative act renders explicit and realises an unpredictable, unique and endless expansion of human creativity.
Generative design fundamentally changes the design process: the designer shifts from performing tasks to being a conductor, effectively orchestrating the computer's decision-making process. Processing and coding are very complicated subjects; thus, I decided to look for an alternative way to create my typeface. Adobe illustrator had similar and more accessible features that gave me the same result. I made my design by pressing down on this key (~) while holding the shapes tool and started
what is generative art?
Generative art refers to any art practise where the artist creates a process, such as a set of natural language rules, a computer program, a the machine, or other procedural invention, which is then set into motion with some degree of autonomy contributing to or resulting in a completed work of art."
-Philip Galanter